No-Sew DIY Starbucks Cup Costume

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

If you're like me, you buy your Halloween costumes because you have no time to make your kids' costumes. However, when you cannot find a Starbucks cup costume for your child, you will go to great lengths to make it happen.

I don't sew. I don't craft. I do hot glue like a boss.

So, here it is. Making this super fun costume took about an hour minus rushing around when I realized I needed green paper for the straw and trying to find tights.

2 white poster boards
brown craft paper
off-white felt
green paper or poster board
white headband
hot glue

1. Take your poster boards and make a large enough cylinder that your child can get it over their head to get in and out of the cup. Then, hot glue those seams.

2. Measure out how wide you'd like your sleeve to be, then be sure to cut your craft paper long enough to wrap all the way around. Hot glue the seam, as well as random dabs to keep it in place.

3. Cut a strip of your felt for straps. I folded these in 3rds and glued as I went.

4. Take your cup, place your child in the cup, and place the straps. Be sure to give them a little wiggle room. Mark where the straps need to go, take child out of cup, glue.

5. You are now ready for the whipped cream ruffles. I made 20- 9 in rounds with a glass bowl and cut. To make your ruffles, take one round, fold it in half and place one dot of glue in center. Fold in half again, another dot of glue. Now you can place your ruffles on the cup. Most of mine went between the two sheets of poster board. Keep the ruffles out of the armpit area. Hot glue. Boom. Whipped cream.

For your headband, take a paper towel roll and glue your green paper around it. Hot glue your straw to the headband. Take your whipped cream rounds and place around the base of the straw, making sure most of them are also glued to the headband to support it.

Finally, print the Starbucks logo and slap it on. I used green vinyl on white scrapbook paper in the CriCut, but printing out the logo will work just fine.

And there you have it! The cutest little costume you ever did see. The compliments on this costume were hilarious. Paired with her twin baristas, I'd say we won Halloween 2016. 


  1. This looks great!

    Quick question: when you say "white poster boards", are these cardboards? Or thick papers? I live in Asia and English isn't my native language, so I am trying to figure out what exactly I need to purchase here to correspond to the "poster boards". Also, how did you make/bend them into such a perfect cylinder?! Thanks!

  2. I think they mean heavy duty paper

  3. Where did you find the download for the Starbucks logo? Thx!


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