The Great Haircut of 2017

I did it. Blame Carrie Underwood if you need to. I saw her in concert, and thought that if I cut my hair like hers that her body would come along with the cut. That last part was a bit of a leap, but hey! I've been in the gym 6 days a week lately, so maybe there is something to this haircut.

A lot of people want to know how and if it's possible to have mermaid waves at this length. Yes, fear not. I may burn myself a little more, but it is entirely possible.

For your viewing pleasure, I created this time lapse video for you. I called it a "speeded-up video." Josh rolled his eyes.

Products used: 
-Hot Tools Rainbow Gold 1" Curling iron
-Kenra Platinum Dry Texture Spray 6


  1. I love the speed-up vid. JRo just doesn't know the cool kid lingo- obvi! What hair product do you use? Your hair looks fab!

  2. Do you use a 1" barrel or the 1.25" -- I can't decide!! (PS your hair is gorgeous!! )

    1. 1 inch! Sometimes, I'll do the 1.25 for something different, but it's not a rainbow curling iron, so... ;)

  3. Thanks! Do you straighten your hair first, or is that just blow-dried? Or naturally straight? :)

    1. I blow it straight and take the straightener over it really quickly. I don't wash my hair for 3 or 4 days, so it's a simple step to good curls for days ;)


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