A Letter to the California Parole Board

This is the heaviest thing you'll ever read on this blog, but this is very important to my family and I. Today is the last day to submit an email to the parole board to keep this woman in prison, and we would appreciate as many letters as we can get. This is the letter I submitted the parole board this week:

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My earliest memory is the night my Uncle Ron was murdered. I was 3 ½.

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It was a December night, and we had been out. I was supposed to be getting into bed, but instead, I was jumping on the couch in the living room. I remember the phone ringing, my Dad picking it up, and then, he said, “Oh, my God!” My Mom came in from the hallway, and he told her.

Ron was dead. She had killed him.

I will never forget the scream that emitted from my Mom.

They pulled my sister out of her bed, and we drove to Papa & Grandma’s house where we sat in the living room, a family, now broken, unsure of what to do. I remember sleeping in my aunt’s room, but I’m sure not one of the adults slept. How do you sleep when your brother or your son was just murdered? How do you sleep when you know that, in his final moments, he was terrified, and suffered an excruciating death? You don’t.

I respectfully request a denial of the inmate's release. The inmate's crime was cold-blooded and carefully planned. She stalked my Uncle Ron for months prior to killing him. She purchased a gun and what she described as "man-stopping" bullets. She took shooting lessons and boasted about her plan. While my Uncle Ron changed cars and homes in attempts to evade her constant harassment, she secretly rented the apartment next to him so she could lie in wait and shoot him in the back multiple times when he returned home from work.

Not only did she take his life, she destroyed my family. We watched as my grandparents aged, virtually overnight, from the grief that took hold of their lives. As kids, we were made all too aware of how much evil was in the world, and as a result, have lived in fear that she will be released and come after our family.

I ask that you allow our family the solace that continued imprisonment of the inmate provides, and that you protect others from the potential harm which could result if she is released.

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