Day in the Life of a Busy Working Mom

Weekends are when I pull double duty all day. Josh is at church, so kid & work & house & cleaning & shopping fall to me. 

Saturday usually consists of McDonald's. This means, I grab one of my plaids, toss it over a bra-less tank, and throw my grease ball hair up in a mom bun. We play hard until noon, and we crash. Peppered in that morning is me working between breaking up fights, switching over the laundry, finding Maddie's 89753th snack, and finding whatever toy is currently lost.

Do you own your own business? Cool. Me too. So, you know that owning your own business means you don't take weekends. You work when you need to work, answering emails, fielding questions, creating graphics, talking to team members who are planning, creating, and hosting. Weekends are not a thing for me.

Nap time. If you move a muscle or breathe the wrong way, you're screwed. The goal of my afternoon is to remain motionless in hopes that they will all stay asleep for as long as humanly possible. Work? Sometimes. This may be my only opportunity to bathe. I don't take it. I catch up on the shows I didn't watch during the week, and feel instant guilt that I wasn't folding laundry or preparing an afternoon of Pinterest activities for the kids.

Oh, well. I lived. They'll live.

This basket of dirty laundry has been in this same position for 4 days. The suitcase has been there since I got back from Utah 15 days ago.

Waking up sucks. We don't move for a while after waking up. Life can be rough as a two-year-old.

If I have made it to bath time and the house is still standing, I count this a win. Emotions are fried and we have nothing left within us to keep our eyes from closing. We give in to the peace of a bath, followed by some milk & a cartoon. 

Daddy is home. The world is set right. We shuffle kids to beds, and enjoy the quiet before we drift off.

Drift off...repeat...

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